Sunday 1 September 2013

Hereford Art week young open exhibition.

I will be exhibiting my work at the Herefordshire young open exhibition in St Peter's church, this will be cool and a nice change as I haven't been up to much since graduating. Pop by if you have a chance.

Works warped and ready to be put in the car.


Thursday 13 June 2013

Photographer Photos

Here is a selection of the images taken by the photographer, its enabled me to get some pro images using the UV lighting that I would otherwise be unable to get because I don't own any form of backdrop. 

Shows up

Finished putting the stuff up for the show, excuse the bad image it was taken with my phone.. 


Sunday 19 May 2013

2 Weeks left (I think...)

I've started producing super awesome "vessels" from my laser cut blanks, personally I don't like the word vessel or bowel because I really don't like making things that have a function, the word vessel implies that somebody is going to put something in it at some point in its life which I really don't want to happen. ( I have no idea why, I think its a mental problem)

No going back now, I really just want to keep them forever how they are.

In Progress, needed more work to 'dish' it up.

After whizzing a wire brush over it, took ages, there are sooo many nook's and cranny's on this thing.

PRIMER:  White makes the colours look brightest.

YELLOW COAT: yellow at the tips:3

YELLOW COAT: Included my hand.

ORANGE COAT: Looking more interesting.

PINK COAT: yay now it looks cool.

Un-branded can makes best prop.

Soo good.

After sanding escape paint and varnish :3

Looks awesome sauce.

Sunday 12 May 2013


Dished a piece of plate, wanted to see how far I could take it before it began to split, this is as far as I got.

And then I painted it. I like to paint my work.Tho I think my choice of colour gradient makes it look a bit like a pimple...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

They've arrived

My designs have finally been cut and sent from the laser cutter, YAY now I can finally get on and forge them, this is a massive weight off my shoulders as the time I had to forge them was getting smaller and smaller.

Friday 3 May 2013

Foldy Squishy

Sorry I haven't updated my blog recently, sheep, snow and water leaks on top of my uni work took up all my time.  A few weeks ago I made this, I'm super happy with the center not so happy with the connections at ether end. The way it came out after painting makes it look edible.


My Cat, Mogs, Admiring my hard work.

Work in progress, 1 fold in half.

2 splat it.

3 Unfold.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Squish the box.

As I'm exploring the distortion of steel I decided to move on from solid stock to box section (main reason being I had some left over in my tool box from last year), box is one of my favorite materials to forge, the shapes it produces I think are mesmerizing.Below are the images of work I did last year, they where made during the same project that had me produce the neon distorted panel, it was a choice between the use of solid stock and box on the final object but as it is hard to come by box below 100mm the solid stock won. (excuse bad images taken with phone)

This is definitely my favorite image.

More recently I have returned to box section in this project, I like the material because it shows off distortion really well, anything that differs from its normal square profile looks drastically different which I think is very affective. This object is very similar to the previous painted piece I made the other week, it consists of several lengths riveted together and flattened at one end using the power hammer, with the use of the box it has caused the edges of the material to pucker and I think it looks awesome.  I finished the distorted area with a brass wire brush to give it and interestingly different colouration.